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Kazakhstan banned the entry for Belarusian trucks

Since October 9, Belarusian carriers have been prohibited from transporting goods to the Kazakh territory by hooking/reloading, Sputnik reported.

The Ministry of Transport of Kazakhstan last week notified the Belarusian authorities that a ban on international transportation of goods from third countries to Kazakhstan by means of hooking/reloading will come into force on October 9. This applies specifically to Belarusian trucks, which are loaded with goods from the EU.

According to the exchange, in January-May of this year, shipments from Belarus to Kazakhstan accounted for 1.5% of the total volume of export shipments.

On the other hand, it cannot be said that this ban will have a global impact on the Belarusian market. Transportation with Kazakhstan will continue, because many Belarusian companies have managed to register their cars there.

Let us remind you that Belarus and the UAE are planning to sign a law on mutual recognition of driver's licenses.

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