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Last Big Flea Market this year

On December 4 and 5 (Friday and Saturday) a Big Charity Flea Market will take place in Minsk, reports. The event will take place at st. Oktyabrskaya, 16.

This Saturday, the last Big Charity Flea Market in Minsk will be held in 2020. The event will be dedicated to the New Year. As the organizers promise, visitors to the Flea Market will be able to find the perfect outfits for New Year's parties and cute gifts for Christmas.

The assortment of the Big Charity Flea Market:

  • Men's and women's clothes - clothes, shoes and accessories for the winter
  • Party dresses, tops, jackets
  • New Year's decor, souvenirs and postcards
  • Crockery, music records and household items
  • Jewelry

Location: st. Oktyabrskaya, 16, Cultural hub OK16

Working hours:

December 4 - 12.00-21.00;

December 5 - 12.00-20.00.

Payment is made in cash only.

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