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Main grain crops will be get in by August 20

The crops of cereals and legumes has been harvested on 24% of the area, so it can be assumed that the main harvesting will be completed by August 20, BELTA writes. However, in the northern regions, the deadline is extended until August 25, as harvesting begins later.

The head of the Department of Crop Production of the Ministry of Agriculture also said that meteorologists predict sunny and warm weather without rain for the coming week. This will help in harvesting.

For August 2, about 50 thousand hectares of fields were harvested and 170 thousand tons of grain were grinded. At the same time, the pace of harvesting is growing and it may be possible to increase the volume by 1.5 times a day.

There are also forecasts that this year the yield will be higher compared to last year. Grain crops yield is now almost 5 c/ha more than in 2021.

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