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Maternity hospital in Minsk is working with healthy patients for the first time during pandemic

The maternity hospital of the 6th hospital in Minsk is the only one that has worked with covid patients for 2 years of the pandemic. Now the number of patients with covid is sharply decreasing, so the maternity hospital is moving to work with healthy patients, the website of the Ministry of Health writes.

A complete disinfection will be carried out there within a month. At the moment, the load has been redistributed. Patients have been transferred to other maternity hospitals.

In 2021, 2,800 pregnant women and women in labor received help in the maternity hospital. More than 700 women with covid delivered there. And only three children were diagnosed with covid. All the others were healthy. During the period without a pandemic, the maternity hospital took about 4,000 deliveries a year.

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