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Minsk doctors awarded for fighting COVID-19

Badges of distinction "For work in the name of life" were awarded to the chief doctors of several Minsk hospitals and polyclinics. The solemn event was held on March 22 and was dedicated to the results of the work of the healthcare system in 2021, the Minsk-News agency writes.

The awards were given to the chief doctors of the 34th Polyclinic, the 21st Polyclinic, the 19th Polyclinic, the 14th Polyclinic, the 6th Polyclinic and the 3rd Polyclinic. As well as the chief physician of the City Infectious Diseases Hospital, the chief physician of the 1st Hospital and other specialists.

The badge of distinction "For Work in the name of Life" was established by the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers. It is awarded to employees who, while remaining faithful to their profession and following the high vocation of a healthcare worker, work selflessly and make every effort to win the fight for the health and life of patients, including those with COVID-19.

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