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Minsk entered the Top 3 most cycling cities of the CIS

According to the rating prepared by the TurStat informational portal, Minsk is one of the three most cycling cities in the CIS, reports

The 3rd of June is World Cycling Day. On this occasion the TourStat portal on sports and tourism has prepared a rating of CIS cities where residents actively use bicycles as a means of transportation and just for relax.

The first place in the ranking went to Moscow, the second - to St. Petersburg, and Minsk took the honorable third place. In order to prepare the rating organizers took into account the length of bike paths, the number of bike routes, and the availability and quality of rental bike services.

According to TourStat estimates, the longest bike path in Minsk is 27 kilometers long. In addition, Minsk also has convenient bike paths near the Tsnyansky reservoir, 8.5 kilometers long, and along Pobediteley Avenue, 5 kilometers long.

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