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Minsk introduces a single portal of social services

An Internet portal of social services is being created in Minsk, which will provide citizens with access to up-to-date information and services of social protection agencies, Minsk-News reports.

This portal will allow you to send requests through various communication channels and will contain information about the work of all social institutions in the city. Olga Vasilevskaya, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Minsk City Executive Committee, said that work on the portal is already underway.

According to the service "Contact Center for state Social Services - 139", Minsk residents most often apply for pensions, benefits, state aid and the provision of social worker services. They are also interested in an accessible environment in the city, placement in boarding schools and obtaining technical means of rehabilitation. The service also responds to requests that are not related to social protection, for example, about places with discounts for pensioners or the work of other departments.

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