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Minsk national airport is recognized as the most punctual in the world according to OAG

National airport Minsk took first place in the TOP 20 for punctuality of flights in 2019 among all airports in the world in the category of Small Airports (airport with the number of served passengers from 2.5 to 5 million per year), reports

Punctuality of flights is an indicator of completed flights on arrival and departure without delay (a delay is a deviation from the planned departure/ arrival time by 15 minutes or more without taking into account deviations that occurred due to weather conditions). This indicator characterizes the timeliness of airport operations for servicing aircraft and passengers, cargo handling and mail.

Official Airline Guide (OAG) is a research company headquartered in the United Kingdom that provides the most reliable digital information about the status of flights to airports, airlines, service companies related to tourism, aircraft companies, consultants around the world.

Minsk national airport has a preferred geographical location, as it is located at the intersection of the most significant airlines connecting Western Europe and the CIS. The airport is a member of the international Council of airports.

Regular flights from Minsk National airport are operated on more than 55 international air routes to Western Europe, the middle East and other regions.