Minsk ranked 86th among the best cities for living
The Canadian company "Resonance" has updated the annual World’s Best Cities ranking. Minsk has made the TOP 100 cities for living, working and investing, Devby.io reported.
Minsk took 86th place in the main list. In the “People” category Minsk took 2nd place. The authors noted that Minsk residents have a high level of education, but the city is stuck in the Soviet past.
When compiling the rating, the authors analyzed more than 250 cities of the world with a population of 1+ million people. Cities were evaluated by safety; air traffic and entertainment; by characteristics of the population; by culture and art; by economy; by popularity among tourists.
TOP 10 best cities to live in:
- London
- Paris
- New York
- Tokyo
- Dubai
- Barcelona
- Rome
- Madrid
- Singapore
- Amsterdam
Let us remind you that Minsk has made the top 10 cities popular with Russians for recreation.
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Photo: tobelarus.by