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More than 320 km of roads will be repaired in the Brest region in 2022

More than 320 km of local and republican roads are planned to be repaired in the Brest region, BELTA writes. In total, it is planned to allocate about BYN42 million ($1.68 million) for these works.

During the year, more than 212 km of coverage will be updated. The work will be carried out at the expense of the regional budget and the funds of the road fund.

In 2021, almost 370 km of local roads were repaired in the region. About 80 km of them have been paved with new asphalt. That year the mileage of the repaired roads was greater. But more bridges will be repaired this year.  Also last year, about 128 km were repaired and 9 km of republican roads were reconstructed. In 2022, they plan to carry out work on 110 km.

In total, 25 bridges are planned to be renewed on local roads in the Brest region by 2025.

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