New law on Belarusian citizenship comes into force in July 2023
The amended law on Belarusian citizenship comes into force in July 2023. There are several important changes in the law, Sputnik reported. Let us remind you that the Belarusian passport makes 55th in the global ranking.
For foreigners who obtain the citizenship of Belarus, the oath is provided. Its text and order are established by the President.
The term of citizenship admission and withdrawal applications consideration should not exceed one year.
A large article in the document is devoted to the loss of Belarusian citizenship. Belarusians who have entered military service, police service, security agencies, justice and other state bodies of foreign states may lose it.
Citizens who have been recognized by a court decision (including foreign courts) as "extremists" or who have caused serious harm to the interests of Belarus, may also lose their citizenship even if they are staying outside Belarus.
There is also a provision obliging citizens of Belarus to notify within three months about their citizenship of another country, residence permit or documents entitling them to benefits and advantages abroad.
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