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Now COVID-19 can be diagnose without a PCR test

Since February 1, Belarusian doctors have been allowed to diagnose COVID-19 infection without conducting mandatory PCR testing or antigen testing on an outpatient basis, the Minsk-News agency writes with reference to the message of the Ministry of Health.

This decision was made in order to reduce the risk of infection of patients with acute respiratory infections when visiting outpatient clinics.

According to Belarusian epidemiologists, the SARS-CoV-2 virus prevails in the country and the result of the laboratory test does not affect the treatment of patients with acute respiratory diseases. There is no etiotropic treatment for coronavirus infection as such. If the disease is mild, then the patient is being treated at home. If the patient needs to be referred to a hospital for treatment, the diagnosis is made only after the test.

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