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On new year's holidays border guards issued entry and exit from Belarus almost a million people

During the new year and Christmas holidays, Belarusian border guards issued more than 976 thousand citizens in both directions. This is significantly more than last year, reports

This number of citizens — 976 thousand-was issued from December 25 to January 8. For comparison, last year during this time the figure was less than 100 thousand. Because of the influx of tourists on the border there were many hours of traffic jams.

During two weeks, citizens of 135 countries crossed the Belarusian border. Most of them, of course, are Belarusians (517 thousand), as well as Russians (185 thousand) and Ukrainians (134 thousand).

As before, the most popular destination was Poland (311 thousand people), followed by Lithuania (270 thousand) and Ukraine (249 thousand). Much fewer people went to Latvia (33 thousand).

In addition, about 119 thousand people used the services of Belarusian airports.