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On September 12, the center of Minsk will be closed due to the half marathon

The Minsk City Executive Committee decided to restrict traffic in the center of Minsk in connection with the half marathon on September reports.

From 1:00 to 15:00 on Sunday, Pobediteley Avenue will be closed from Masherova Avenue to Nemiga Street.

From 6:00 to 14:00, traffic will be prohibited along Lenina Street between Pobediteley and Nezavisimosti Avenues and further along Nezavisimosti Avenue to Yanki Kupala Street, along Yanki Kupala Street to Bogdanovich Street. Storozhovskaya Street and Masherova Avenue from Storozhovskaya to Pobediteley will also be closed.

From 7:00 to 12:00, traffic will also be blocked on Nezavisimosti Avenue from Lenina to Bobruiskaya, Volodarsky Street from avenue to Karl Marx Street, Karl Marx Street to Engels Street, Engels Street to Nezavisimosti Avenue. The Nezavisimosti Avenue to Pobedy Square, Kommunisticheskaya, Kuibysheva, Narochanskaya, Raduzhnaya Streets, Masherova and Pobediteley Avenues to Zaslavskaya Street will also be closed.

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