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"Pearls of the East": exhibition of traditional Chinese and Korean art at the National Library

The exhibition "Pearls of the East" opened at the National Library of Belarus in Minsk on February 13, timed to coincide with the celebration of the New Year according to the Eastern calendar, BelTA shares.

It was organized jointly with the Republican Institute of Chinese Studies named after Confucius BSU, the Confucius Institute at MSLU and the Moscow Club of Chinese Painting Lovers.

The exhibition presents works of traditional Chinese and Korean art, including Chinese gongbi painting, Korean Minhwa painting, mogufu, se-yi and calligraphy. The exhibition covers a variety of genres and techniques, such as landscapes, flowers and birds, as well as the technique of gunbi painting, characterized by careful elaboration of the image and many layers of transparent thin mineral paint..

The exhibition "Pearls of the East" will be available to the public until May 6.

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