Plan to increase public electric transport by 2025
The Belarusian government has adopted a state program for the development of electric transport, the Belarusian government, reports. By 2025, the number of public electric transport is planned to increase by a third.
The goal of the program is to develop and create new types of ecological cars and their production facilities. In 5 years, the country is expected to create conditions for production, increase the number of electric vehicles used, as well as expand the infrastructure of electric transport.
The program will consist of two subroutines. The first is the "Production and technological base of electric transport" to create scientific prerequisites and production base for the growth of the number of electric vehicles used in the country. The second is the "Creation of charging infrastructure for electric transport", which will create a developed network of ECS, providing high-quality and affordable services for charging electric vehicles with a convenient location and distance.
At the end of last year, the assembly plant of electric transport of "MAZ" was opened in Zhodino. It is planned that trolleybuses and electric buses will be produced here.
First Deputy Minister of Industry Sergey Gunko said that at the end of last year, 1,500 units of urban ground electric transport were available, which is 20% of all public transport. The program plans to increase this figure to 30%, which is more than 2,500 units of transport.
Sergey Gunko also drew attention to the fact that the program will develop electric trucks, a mining dump truck and even an electric garbage truck.
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