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Platform for medical diagnostic images was developed in Belarus

CometaRad Company (a resident of Hi-Tech Park) has developed 3D MeD Platform for processing, three-dimensional reconstruction, transmission and storage of medical diagnostic images, the Minsk-News agency writes.

3D MeD will create a single information platform for storing diagnostic images from all medical institutions in Belarus. Medical images of ultrasound, CT, MRI, fluorograms, X-rays, vascular and internal organ screenings, including endoscopic imaging, will be uploaded to the platform. The platform will work on the principle of a cloud server. No additional software is needed to access 3D MeD images.

Thanks to the platform, it will be possible to get expert advice remotely, from anywhere in Belarus. This will speed up and simplify the treatment process for patients. And it will also save doctors from having to store pictures in one med institutions.

The platform is at the final stage of development. The Ministry of Health of Belarus has agreed to provide an opportunity to test 3D MeD in state medical institutions.

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