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Preventive medical examinations have been suspended in Belarus

Preventive medical examinations are suspended in Belarus. This is provided for by the order of the Ministry of Health No. 1141 of September 21, 2021, published on the department's website. The measure is introduced until the epidemiological situation with the coronavirus is reports.

An exception will be medical examinations that are carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Instruction on conducting mandatory and extraordinary medical examinations of employees, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Health No. 74 of July 29, 2019.

The suspension of examinations will last until the epidemiological situation on COVID-19 is stabilized. Decisions will be made on the ground, taking into account the epidemiological situation and the capabilities of healthcare organizations.

Hospitals and polyclinics will operate in the mode of the epidemiological period due to the increase in the incidence of COVID-19 and acute respiratory infections. As for the RSPC, they will continue to work as usual, taking into account the profile of providing specialized medical care.

In addition, changes have been made to the holding of seminars, conferences and congresses. Specialists who have completed a full course of vaccination will be able to participate in the full-time format. Those who have not completed the course will participate in online events.

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