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Salvador Dali graphic art exhibition opens in Minsk

In the Palace of Art in Minsk opened five exhibition projects on February 24.

The exhibition of Salvador Dali's graphics from private collections presents seven series of works by the artist. In total, this is more than 130 original works. The exhibition will last until April 3, 2022.

The Graphics 2021 project has collected the best graphic works for the whole year. In total, 180 works from 70 Belarusian artists were selected for the exhibition. The exhibition will last until March 13.

The SculptFest exhibition project gathered sculptures of 12 laureates of the Republican Sculpture Festival held in 2021 in the Belarusian Union of Artists. The exhibition will last until March 13.

The FEMINA FABULAS painting exhibition will also last until March 13. It will present the works of 20 young Belarusian artists, revealing female beauty through portraits.

An exhibition of the Golden Collection of the Foundation of the Belarusian Union of Artists will be held on the same days. The exhibition presents works on the theme of the Motherland. Most of the authors went through the Great Patriotic War. The works are presented in different genres.

You can buy tickets to exhibitions on the spot. Ticket price is BYN8.

The address of the Palace of Art: Kozlova Street 3, Minsk.

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