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Ski slopes near Minsk

Snow fell again in Minsk, which means you can spend another couple of days on the ski slopes with friends or family. has compiled a list of the main ski resorts and ski slopes near Minsk, where you can spend your weekend actively and healthy.

Ski resorts near Minsk:

1) "Sun Valley"

Address: st. Korzhenevsky, 45

2) "Silichi"

Ski center located in Logoisk region (about 30 km from Minsk).

3) "Logoisk"

Ski center 32 km from Minsk.

4) "Raubichi"

The ski complex is located 14 km from Minsk (Ostroshitsky town).

Ski slopes in Minsk:

• park of 900th anniversary of Minsk

• Loshitsa manor and park complex

• apple garden along the street. Rafieva

• park "Kurasovschina"

• forest area of the Zeleny Lug residential area

• along the beaches of the Tsnianskoe reservoir

• Park of Friendship of Nations

• a roller ski track with artificial snow in Vesnyanka.

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