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Some countries started to impose restrictions due to coronavirus

Over the past week, there has been a sharp increase in coronavirus infections in a number of countries, so the authorities are starting to take restrictive measures again. The telegram channel "Sobiray Rukzak" collected all the changes in one post. We remind you that we have published a list of countries where you can still get to without restrictions and sanitary documents.

From July 8, all residents and visitors of Cyprus over the age of 12 must wear protective masks indoors. For non-compliance with the requirement, you can get a fine of up to €300.

The French government has submitted for consideration a bill allowing the extension of entry restrictions for foreigners in the period from August 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023. It is likely that those entering will continue to require a vaccination certificate, a certificate of recovery or a negative result of a PCR test.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Qatar signed an order on the mandatory wearing of protective masks in closed rooms. They also include public transport, sports and gyms, shopping malls, shops, theaters, cinemas and mosques.

Georgia may also return the mask regime. According to the head of the national technical group of experts on immunization, the number of coronavirus cases in Georgia has increased 5 times over the past 2 weeks. Due to increase in morbidity, the authorities thought about the introduction of a mask regime in closed rooms.

In Almaty, Kazakhstan, the authorities recommended wearing masks indoors.

The resumption of the mask regime is being discussed in Thailand, the USA, and Australia. Reports of an increase in the number of covid cases also come from Italy, Spain, Greece and Germany.

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