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Svetlana Tikhanovskaya spoke at the European Parliament

Svetlana Tikhanovskaya spoke at an extraordinary meeting of the Committee on foreign affairs of the European Parliament, reports

The current political situation in Belarus was discussed at the meeting of the committee. In her address to the European Parliament, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya drew attention to the cruelty and violence used by the current authorities in order to suppress the protests. At the moment, at least six people have died during the protests. A large number of people are missing or detained. People leave places of detention with severe bruises, wounds and traces of physical abuse.

In addition, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya expressed her readiness to dialogue with the Belarusian authorities. It should be reminded that the Coordination Council tried to contact Alexander Lukashenko, but without result.

In conclusion, Svetlana thanked the European Parliament for the fact that the European Union refused to recognize the results of the presidential elections in Belarus.

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