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тест на коронавирус

Test for coronavirus will be available at Minsk airport

Minsk National Airport is launching a service for testing for Covid-19, Onliner reports. The cost of the service will be 64.92 rubles.

The laboratory at the airport has already begun its work in test mode. Anyone can use this service and get the results in an hour and a half. The laboratory is located in a public area of the airport, so both arriving and departing passengers, airport visitors and staff can be tested for coronavirus.

You can take a coronavirus test from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00. In order to use this service, you must pay 64.92 rubles through ERIP in advance. You must have a passport and a receipt confirming payment for the service.

The analysis is carried out by donating blood from a vein. Experts pay attention to the fact that 3-4 hours before the diagnosis, you should refrain from eating.

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