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The Hi-tech Park was replenished with 72 residents

Today, the Hi-Tech Park unites 752 companies, which employ more than 58 thousand people, reports.

The Supervisory Board of the Hi-Tech Park decided to register 72 companies as HTP residents in December this year.

6 development centers of foreign companies became residents.

"ТУРИНГ АПП" together with the parent company EightydaysInc (USA) is going to develop an online service to build eightydays travel. The platform combines planes, trains and ferries into one" superbill " without transfers. 

ENAVATE (Denmark, USA) with its Belarusian center "Enavate Europe" is engaged in the creation of systems and cloud services to simplify and automate business processes. 

"Джи-Кор Бел" (Luxembourg) plans to develop a platform ContentDeliveryNetwork, which allows to improve the work of providers with a large influx of users.

"Marketcom software By" as the development center of the group of companies Marketgroup (Republic of Cyprus), among other things, plans to create applications for the search and purchase of goods, management of its online store, administration of internal processes on the platform

Among the new residents is a SOFTWARE developer for the innovative mobile endoscopic system "Игнайт Бел ".  Work on the mobile game Goodville, aimed at combating depression, plans to engage in "GoodGamesSoft". The company "КИПФОРЕСТ" develops software for the creation of musical works, as well as the marketplace with the opportunity to trade with virtual instruments, samples, plugins, and music effects.

New residents of HTP also became representatives of the gaming industry, fintech, e-Commerce, consulting, medicine and mining. 12 companies plan to develop their own product.

By the decision of the Supervisory Board of the Park, 8 companies were denied registration as residents. Another 4 lost their resident status.