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The Chinese Book Center in Minsk

The Chinese Book Center in Minsk

The Chinese Book Center has opened in the National Library of Belarus, which has become the 16th in the world, Belarus Today writes.

The Chinese International Communication Group handed over to Belarus 1,000 books by Chinese authors who made up the initial fund of the center. The collection includes books about the history, culture, and traditions of China, and works by Chinese authors in Chinese, Russian, and English.

Among the books handed over are works by Xi Jinping, literature on the history of the Chinese Communist Party and other cultural aspects of China.

Yu Tao, Deputy head of the PRC Department for the Publication of Literature in Foreign Languages, noted that in the future the center will be replenished with new publications reflecting Chinese specifics and spirit, and the works of Belarusian scientists studying Chinese culture. It is expected that the center will become an important platform for cultural exchange and cooperation between the countries.

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