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The European Union will allocate almost 750 thousand euros for the development of the region of environmental entrepreneurship " Yaselda river valley"

The project "Landscape-oriented development of rural areas of the Yaselda river valley with the participation of the local population" is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Berezovsky district Executive Committee in partnership with the International Fund for rural development, the local environmental Fund "Reserves of the Brest region" and the Republican biological reserve "Sporovsky". The project is designed for three years and will be implemented on the territory of eight rural councils of Berezovsky, Drogichinsky and Ivanovsky regions, reports 

The Yaselda river valley has specific ecological, social, landscape, historical and cultural features. The objectives of the project are to assess the potential of entrepreneurship in the Ecoregion, create conditions for sustainable development of rural areas, increase employment and, consequently, income of the rural population, form a management system for the Ecoregion, and extend the successful experience of the project to other protected areas.

On January 10, the project launch conference will be held in Bereza, where the goals, objectives, approaches and expected results of the initiative will be presented, and opportunities for the local population and authorities will be considered. Representatives of the European Union, the Ministry of economy, the Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection, local authorities, cultural and educational institutions, non-profit organizations and entrepreneurs of the district are expected to participate.