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The first European Cycling festival will be held in Minsk in 2021

The European Cycling festival is planned to be held in Minsk in 2021. The agreement of intent was signed today in the capital's Marriott hotel by the President of the European Cycling Union Rocco Cataneo and the Chairman of the Belarusian Cycling Federation Natalia Tsilinskaya, reports

"In Minsk, almost everything is ready for a large-scale cycling forum. Excellent infrastructure has been created. It will only be necessary to finalize the tracks for competitions in mountain disciplines. But we have no doubt that the Belarusian side will successfully cope with this task," said Rocco Cataneo, commenting on the signing of the contract.

It is planned that during the festival for two weeks will be held elite European Championships in Olympic disciplines, starts on the highway, track, BMX-race, BMX-freestyle. A real holiday for sure will be the mass arrival of fans of Gran Fondo. It is expected that about 5 thousand participants will compete for the awards of the representative forum in Minsk. There will be 72 sets of medals at stake.