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The first power unit of the Belarusian NPP replaced 1.8 billion cubic meters of natural gas

Since the inclusion of the first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant into the unified energy system, 6.9 billion kW.h of electricity has been generated, BELTA writes. This made it possible to replace about 1.8 billion cubic meters of natural gas, which is almost comparable to the annual volume of its consumption by the population of Belarus.

With the commissioning of the second power unit, the volume of electricity production at the NPP will be about 18.5 billion kW.h per year, which will allow replacing 4.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually. 

Currently, the second unit is undergoing hydro-tests for the density of the reactor plant. Next, it is planned to reach the minimum controlled power level of the reactor plant with appropriate tests and studies. The next stage is the launch and the first delivery of electricity.

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