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The flu vaccine has already been delivered to Belarus

The Ministry of Health intends to vaccinate 40% of the population against flu this year. The first batch of the vaccine against this viral disease has already been received, the second is expected at the end of the reports.

Two vaccinations will be carried out simultaneously in the country: against flu and coronavirus.

"We must make efforts to minimize the risks and consequences. In addition to vaccination, I also pay attention to compliance with basic safety rules – wearing masks, social distancing, and so on" - said Inna Karaban, head of the Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Prevention of the Ministry of Health.

The main groups for flu vaccination remain the same: children from 6 months, adults with chronic pathology, 60-65+ years old people, as well as people who ensure the security of the state, medical workers and other categories who want to get vaccinated.

Initially, it is proposed to get vaccinated against coronavirus (two doses) and after that, after 14 days, a flu vaccination. Vaccination in one day is acceptable if there are no contraindications. The Russian "Grippol Plus" vaccine will be used for free vaccination, and "Vaxigrip Tetra" (France) will be used for paid vaccination.

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