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The Ministry of Health of Belarus proposes to change the list of over-the-counter medicines

The Ministry of Health has submitted for public discussion a draft resolution that amends the list of over-the-counter reports.

The justification of the project states that the list is proposed to be expanded at the expense of medicines for the treatment of a number of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, hormonal drugs for the treatment of nose and eye diseases, glaucoma.

The Ministry of Health argues its proposal by the fact that these drugs are mainly necessary for the elderly. Adding medicines to the over-the-counter list will save them from unnecessary visits to clinics, which will reduce the risks of infection with COVID-19.

The need to make changes to the list of medicines is caused by the registration of new medicines, as well as the exclusion from the list of drugs with expired state registration.

You can express your comments and suggestions in a special topic at the Legal Forum of Belarus from September 28 to October 8, 2021.

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