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The traffic police of the Minsk region will control pedestrians

In order to prevent accidents involving pedestrians, from February 14 to February 16, the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Minsk region conducts a preventive action "Pedestrian", the website of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee writes.

During daily raids, the traffic police will work out the places of concentration of accidents, as well as emergency-dangerous sections of highways and streets where there are high risks of hitting pedestrians. Also, inspectors will monitor violations by pedestrians who ignore traffic rules. And they will also track pedestrians in a drunken state. Also under control will be drivers who have not provided pedestrians with advantages in road traffic.

In the Minsk region, the main cause of traffic accidents involving pedestrians is the ignoring of traffic rules by pedestrians, the absence of retroreflective elements at night. And situations when drivers do not let pedestrians through at pedestrian crossings.

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