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Three new polyclinics on wheels appeared in Brest region

Brest region has acquired three mobile medical complexes for Kobrin, Ivatsevichi and Stolinsky districts, BELTA reports. We recently wrote that 68% of residents in Belarus have completed a full course of vaccination against covid.

This is a pilot project of the Ministry of Health. At the beginning of winter, polyclinics on wheels began to work in villages of three districts of the Brest region. The polyclinic is equipped on the basis of the PAZ bus. The Interior space is divided into several compartments, where a general practitioner and narrow specialists can receive patients. There is a full range of medical care: treatment and medical examination, diagnostics and laboratory tests, vaccination.

In June 2022, three more medical complexes appeared, for Stolin, Ivatsevichi and Kobrin. They are being put into operation in stages.

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