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UNICEF collects donations for patients with COVID-19

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Belarus announced a fundraiser to help doctors and patients with coronavirus, reports

The funds will provide hospitals in Belarus with personal protective equipment and medical equipment for 4 months to fight the infection. UNICEF plans to raise $ 1.5 million, currently 248 321.16 Belarusian rubles have already been got. With available funds, UNICEF is going to purchase the first part of medicines and send them to the hospitals.

Both individuals and companies can participate in charitable fundraising. Fundraising to help patients with COVID-19 will last 6 weeks. Anyone can contribute to the fight against coronavirus by clicking on the link and sending a donation.

Individuals can make a donation through the ERIP or a bank card by filling out an application on the website. Companies can donate money by contacting UNICEF coordinators.

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