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Vaccine against COVID-19 for animals

Belarus plans to launch the production of the COVID-19 vaccine for animals, reports. The world's first vaccine against coronavirus infection for animals "Karnivak-Kov" was created in Russia, now they plan to launch its production in our country.

It has not yet been proven that cats or dogs can be sources of the disease, but if a person has Covid-19, it is recommended to refrain from contact with animals.

Veterinary doctor of the Minsk clinic Olga Davydovskaya says that there were many cases when people assumed that their pets had Covid-19, that they noticed strange behavior and ailments in animals. At the moment, Belarus does not diagnose coronavirus infection in domestic animals, but it can be detected in cats and confirmed in the laboratory.

Animals can be affected by other types of coronaviruses that cause various diseases, but they are not associated with Covid-19 and are not dangerous for human.

In Belarus, the vaccine for animals will be available in early May.

The medicine has already been tested on dogs, cats, arctic foxes, minks and other animals. In all studies, the animals developed antibodies to the coronavirus. The vaccine is harmless to animals, and also helps prevent mutations of the virus.

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