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Veterans will receive financial help by Victory Day

Financial help in the amount of BYN 1.8 thousand ($470) will be paid to citizens of Belarus who took part in military operations to protect the country during the Great Patriotic War till September 3, 1945. As well as military personnel who participated in the demining of territories after liberation from the German occupation, the Minsk-News agency writes.

Financial help in the amount of BYN 1 thousand ($260) will be provided to participants of the war who were awarded orders or medals of the USSR for selfless work and impeccable military service in the rear during the Great Patriotic War. Those who worked in Leningrad during the blockade and were awarded medals will receive the same payments.

Payments for BYN 750 ($200) will be provided to family members of servicemen, partisans and underground workers who died during the Great Patriotic War. And also prisoners of concentration camps, prisons, ghettos.

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