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Weekend with KLLSK Sale

The next Big charity flea market KLLSK Sale will take place in Minsk on January 7 and 8, reports. The event will take place at the OK16 cultural hub.

Traditionally, the charity flea market will feature clothes, shoes, bags, books, souvenirs, decorations, dishes, postcards and many other Christmas trifles and gifts.

The organizers promise holiday prices on the occasion of Christmas!

Jackets - from 12 rubles.

Coat - from 15 rubles.

Shoes - from 6 rubles.

Bags - from 5 rubles.

Dresses - from 6 rubles.

Jeans - from 5 rubles.

Books - from 2 rubles.

Date: January 7-8, 12.00-20.00

Location: cultural hub OK16, st. Oktyabrskaya, 16

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