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What will the Slavianski Bazaar be like in 2022

In 2022, there will take pace new events that have not yet been held at the Slavyansky Bazaar, BELTA writes. The festival will be held from July 13 to 18, 2022.

This year, for the first time at the festival, there is a circus show dedicated to a significant anniversary in the circus world. Both Belarusian and foreign troupes will perform.

The jubilee children's competition of performers will bring together the first jury. Many of those who 20 years ago just started their career and gave points to young singers, today have already grown into stars.. A concert program of chanson stars will also celebrate the 15th anniversary.

The youth will be given a platform near the Vitebsk Concert Hall. Young singers will perform here. As well as an open-air electronic disco will take place.

You can buy tickets on the website of the festival.

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