When will Ukraine open borders with Belarus?
Countries are starting to cancel quarantine and open border. When will Ukraine start accepting flights from Belarus after the coronavirus, reports the-village.me.
Recently, the international airport in Kiev announced that it is ready to receive flights from other countries, including Belarus. Starting from the 15th of June, Ukraine will resume local and international flights. However, the Ukrainian government put forward several conditions under which airplanes from other countries will be accepted at Ukrainian airports:
1. The opening of borders should take place on the principle of reciprocity;
2. The Government of Ukraine will take into account the epidemiological situation in the country of departure.
Ukraine plans to open borders in the near future for Turkey, Greece and Cyprus, however, Italy and Spain will have to wait until the situation with coronaviruses improves.
The government of Ukraine plans to restore air communication with Belarus from the 16th of June.
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