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World Bank significantly raised the forecast for Belarus' GDP

GDP growth in Belarus may reach 3% by the end of this year, according to the World Bank's autumn forecast. Earlier, the bank's experts believed that GDP would increase by 0.6% over the year, Sputnik reported.

Analysts also predict that the growth of the Belarusian economy will continue in the future, but not so dynamically: in 2024 by 0.8%, in 2025 by 0.7%.

Analysts believe that this year the reasons for the growth of the economy will be "expansionist policies" and support for the public sector. Another driver remains the recovery in demand, which fell last year. Now it is supported by an increase in real wages and pensions.

On the other hand, according to the authors of the forecast, the stimulating economic policy is reaching its limit. They expect that the dynamics of imports will exceed the growth of exports and this will have a negative impact.

The World Bank's inflation forecast for the end of the year is 8.2%. Meanwhile, the Belarusian authorities expect 7-8%.

ACRA rating agency assessed the creditworthiness of Belarus as very low.

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