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You can bring vegetables for animals in Minsk Zoo

From October 2 to 13, the Minsk Zoo accepts vegetables and fruits, which will become food for the zoo's pets, Minsk-News reported.

The products must be fresh and unspoiled. You can bring:

  • potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, sweet pepper, onion and garlic, greeneries, corn
  • pears, sweet apples and homemade grapes
  • nuts, acorns
  • berries and sunflowers

Some of the vegetables and fruits will be used for animal feed immediately, and some will be used for winter supplies.

You can bring vegetables to the staff entrance from the side of Ubareviča Street on weekdays from 8 am until 3 pm.

Address: Taškienckaja street, 40

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