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Best IT recruiting agencies in Belarus

Recruiting agencies are a good helper for large companies because now you don't need to waste time on recruiting employees, a professional will do it. The article will tell you about the best IT recruiting agencies in Belarus.

What is a recruiting agency?

A recruiting agency is an organization that recruits personnel for various companies. The services of recruiting agencies are usually turned to with the aim of expanding the staff or urgently searching for an employee in a particular field.

The phased work of such agencies is usually presented as follows:

• search for potential candidates,

• assessment of their professional training,

• demonstration of the skills and resume of the employee to the customer.

In addition to the standard set of services, recruiting agencies can provide additional services. These include the involvement of freelance specialists, advice on the employment of downsized employees at the expense of the employer, personnel consulting, and employee training.

Types of recruiting agencies

There are two types of recruiting agencies. They differ according to the client–seeker or employer.

In the first case, you probably turned to the "employment agency". You pay for the service, and the agent provides you with a list of vacancies, which will allow you to quickly find the desired job.

In the second case, we will talk about a recruiting agency. You pay for the service, and the agency is looking for a person who best meets your professional expectations.

How do recruiting agencies work?

By contacting a recruiting agency, you will face the following stages of cooperation. You can start the search only when you receive a technical assignment from the employer, which details the position, requirements for the candidate, the number of employees hired, etc. Recruiters use their own methods of searching for employees (their own database on the labor market, social networks, recommendations, etc.). Today, an experienced recruiter must not only find the ideal candidate but also interest him.

An experienced recruiter is required to have communication skills that read the behavior of employees, their requirements, and discontent at the first stage of communication. If a specialist is known in the market for his professionalism, he may receive several offers every day, so it is extremely important to show the advantage of your offer.

The next step will be to check applicants for compliance with customer requirements. Those who successfully completed it will be referred to the employer for approval.

The services of recruiting agencies are usually used by large companies that are interested in finding a suitable employee. Collaboration allows companies to get high-quality candidates for open vacancies in a short time.

Best IT recruiting agencies in Belarus 2021

SPEX Advisers

SPEX Advisers is a unique company that provides full support to branches of foreign IT companies in Belarus. The company covers all customer needs and provides management, accounting, and recruiting services.

The company will take care of all administrative and accounting processes, and will also be able to select employees according to all the necessary criteria. The SPEX Advisers portfolio includes more than 50 successful projects with different countries, including the USA, UK, EU, UAE, CIS, etc.

On the official website of the company, you can get acquainted with successful projects, learn in detail about the services, and send contact information for feedback.

Cooperation with SPEX Advisers can be discussed by calling +37529 366-44-77.

Collection of discoveries

Collection of Discovery is a recruiting agency that has been recruiting personnel for large companies for over 20 years. Years of experience and practice in finding new personnel has allowed the agency to become experts in its field.

In the collection of the agency, there are more than 7000 successfully completed recruitment projects. At the same time, more than 60% of vacancies are repeated orders.

The expertise of the company is determined by the experience of working with a different spectrum of specialists from top managers to line specialists in the areas of company management, accounting, marketing, sales, etc.

When you contact the agency, you get free advice on the labor market in the sector of interest. A recruiting consultant can help you determine the motivation for existing and new hires.

On the official website of the company, you can familiarize yourself with fresh vacancies, learn more about the services, and also learn more about the agency's blog.

Cooperation with the Collection of Discoveries can be discussed by calling +37529 676-47-55.


Kvadrat is a recruiting agency that has been on the market for over 20 years. During all this time, the level of the agency has reached the peak of recognition, and the employees have become experts in the field of recruitment and personnel management.

The agency provides a full range of services in the field of personnel management: from the selection of qualified specialists to personnel training and assessment of their qualifications.

On the official website of the agency, you can join the HR-club, find out details about seminars, subscribe to the vacancy mailing list, and also learn about the specifics of the agency's work.

Cooperation with the recruiting agency Kvadrat can be discussed by calling +375 29 606-11-12.


Erudite is a recruiting agency operating as part of several companies (accounting center, audit center and center for advanced training of Erudite employees).

Employees of the ERUDIT group of companies are qualified specialists working in several areas:

• conducting an audit of the reporting of the applied companies,

• consulting on accounting issues,

• provision of legal services,

• search and assessment of accounting personnel,

• business planning, etc.

On the official website of the agency, you can find out details about training courses and company news, subscribe to the mailing list of vacancies and news, as well as learn about the specifics of the agency's work.

Cooperation with the Erudite recruiting agency can be discussed by calling +375 17 395-95-85.

An administrative resource is a recruiting agency that professionally searches for and attracts effective managers and unique specialists.

The recruiting agency provides clients with the following services:

• Direct search and recruitment of personnel,

• Mystery shopping check,

• HR audit,

• Research of the labor market and wages,

• Assessment and testing of personnel, etc.

 On the official website of the agency, you can find out details about the features of the agency's work, the services provided, top clients, as well as order a feedback call.

Cooperation with the recruiting agency can be discussed by calling +37517 289-50-58.
