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MSLU Faculty of Translation

MSLU Faculty of Translation

The number of foreign students in our country is increasing every year, and the humanities are becoming more and more popular. Today we will talk about the training of a foreign citizen at the faculty of translation of Minsk State Linguistic University.

History of University

Minsk State Linguistic University was founded in 1948 and based on the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Pedagogical Institute and was originally called the Minsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. MSLU received the modern name in 1993. Since its foundation, the university has been the main base of the Republic of Belarus for the training of translation and teaching staff. In addition, MSLU is the main center for training foreign students in the Republic.

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There are studied 16 foreign languages ​​such as English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Turkish - as the first and second foreign language; Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Dutch, Polish, Lithuanian, Persian, Korean - only as a second or third foreign language. In 2011, one could also choose Finnish and Hebrew. Highly qualified specialists work at forty university departments, many of them are the pride of Belarusian science.

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MSLU attracts leading scientists of the Republic of Belarus, near and far abroad for cooperation. Joint projects with Russia, Canada, Belgium, Germany, Spain and other countries are being activated. The university holds major scientific conferences, workshops through the Council of Europe.

Leading specialists of MSLU represent the Republic of Belarus at international scientific symposia and congresses.

Foreign students can choose for themselves two specializations of this faculty:

• "Modern foreign languages ​​(translation)." Qualification is linguist or translator. The term of study is 5 years. As a first foreign language, students study English, German, French, and Chinese. From the second course, the study of a second foreign language and specialization disciplines begins;

• “Linguistic support of intercultural communications”. Qualification is specialist in intercultural communications or translator-referent (indicating languages ​​of communication). The term of study is 4.5 years. As the first foreign language, students study English and Russian.

The faculty teaches 15 European and Oriental languages as the first and second foreign languages, including: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Dutch, Hungarian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Persian and Turkish. Learning a second foreign language begins with the 2nd year, it is determined after 1 semester taking into account the average grade point and student wishes.


Foreign students study at MSLU for a fee on a contract basis. The contract guarantees study according to the chosen program and accommodation in a comfortable room of a student dormitory together with two other students. The hostels are located in the historical center of Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Thus, in addition to studying at the university, you get the opportunity to get acquainted with the centuries-old history of the capital, as well as the rich historical and cultural heritage of the Belarusian people.

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As part of the specialization “Special Translation”, a student is trained in the oral and written translation of documents of various genres. Students learn to work with scientific, technical, legal, economic, commercial documentation; they know the features of the translation of diplomatic texts, texts in the field of information technology, etc.

Not everyone can master the Simultaneous Translation specialization. Such translator should have operational thinking, instant reaction, and the ability to retain in memory a large amount of precision information. In this regard, students who want to master this specialization are selected according to the results of training, testing and interviews.

Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most difficult types of interpretation. Specialist will be able to translate, for example, international negotiations, conferences, films and videos.

Children who are fond of fiction and have a penchant for literary activity choose the specialization “Literary Translation”. Students of this specialization study the translation of prose, poetry, dramaturgy, and literary criticism.

Tuition is $ 2620 per year.

In order to enter the MSLU at the Faculty of Translation, a foreign citizen must pass the final test of knowledge of the Russian language in preparatory courses (term of study - 1 year, cost - $ 2200) or undergo a personal interview at the university, which is carried out in order to determine the level Russian language skills of a foreign student. If it is high enough to master the program, then the student will be accepted.

Studying at MSLU is not only prestigious, but also interesting. We told you about all the features of the faculty, now the choice is yours.