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Symptoms of coronavirus: how to recognize the first signs of COVID-19

Coronavirus is what they have been talking about for the past 4 months, many people go to isolation and order food to be delivered to their homes, and some go on with their lives. We will tell you if you should be afraid of Coronavirus and how to understand that you are already infected.

Should I be afraid of COVID-19?

Only people at high risk should be afraid of the coronavirus. WHO notes that older people and those who have somatic diseases such as hypertension, heart, lung, cancer or diabetes mellitus are at risk.

General information on coronavirus

Coronavirus is a new strain not previously detected in humans. It causes disease from a common cold to SARS and serious complications.

Coronavirus affects the human respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract, leading to health complications. The risk of complications is highest in elderly people with numerous chronic diseases, as well as those with cancer and diabetes.

The coronavirus penetrates the cell through its membrane, mimicking S-proteins important for life, and is embedded in human DNA.

What are the chances of me getting COVID-19?

In epidemiology, there is such a notion as the basic reproductive number (R0) - the number of people that a patient can infect around him.

  • The R0 of the Wuhan Coronavirus is 3.3-5.5;
  • R0 influenza - 1-2;
  • R0 influenza Spaniards - 2.8;
  • R0 measles - 12-18.

That is, the coronavirus is 2-3 times less infectious than measles and 2-3 times more infectious than influenza.

Airborne or domestic routes mainly transmit the virus. Therefore, if you live with a person in the same apartment, the probability of infection is very high. Moreover, it can be contagious up to 2 weeks before symptoms appear - that is, you will not know that it already infects you.

The good news is that in the group of 10-40 years, the mortality rate is 0.2% and the probability that you will survive the virus as a normal ARVI is very high.

But still, if your loved one is sick, try to isolate him in a separate room, air the room, give him a separate dishes, towels and dishes for washing, ask to wear a mask around the house. And if possible, put him in a separate room.

COVID-19 and influenza

The symptoms of influenza and coronavirus are similar in that they both have frequent dry coughs and high body temperatures. However, it is possible to distinguish influenza from coronavirus infection, as there is no shortness of breath or other breathing problems during the flu.

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Is it possible to get sick and have no symptoms?

In some cases, infected people may have no symptoms, i.e. the virus test will be positive, but you will not be worried about sickness. But even if you have no symptoms, you are still contagious. However, the risk of infection from such a person is extremely low. Also, many people have very few symptoms of coronavirus. This is common in the early stages of the disease. In such cases, patients are hospitalized to further monitor and prevent the virus from spreading.

The first symptoms of coronavirus in humans

Contaminated COVID-19 has the following symptoms:

  • pain in swallowing and sneezing;
  • rhinitis;
  • headache;
  • reduced oxygen content in the body or individual organs and tissues;
  • coughing;
  • temperature rise;
  • chill;
  • muscle pain.

How do I know and check symptoms in a person?

The symptoms of coronavirus are similar to those of ARVI or flu, so if you have fever for a few days, cough, sneeze or other symptoms, seek medical attention.

Checking symptoms at home

Unfortunately, you can't check for coronavirus at home. WHO also noted that a 10-second breath hold will not help you determine the presence of coronavirus, but may be misleading.

COVID-19 readings

If you have recently returned from a coronavirus outbreak and are feeling unwell, please call 103 for medical assistance. Be sure to inform your doctor that you have returned from the country where the coronavirus was found.

Complications of the coronavirus

Complications in coronavirus patients may be as follows:

  • pneumonia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • respiratory failure, which develops a pronounced oxygen deficiency;
  • acute renal insufficiency;
  • complications of severe infectious diseases;
  • formation of blood clots in blood vessels;
  • complication of pregnancy.

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Is coronavirus transmitted to humans by cats and dogs?

There have only been a couple of cases where pet owners have infected their pets. There have been no reversals so far. Therefore, the risk of infection from animals is extremely low.

To avoid infection and further spread of the virus, stay home and go to remote work if possible.