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Vegetarian Restaurants in Minsk

Nowadays, vegetarian cuisine is gaining in popularity. More and more people are switching to eco products, thereby increasing the demand for vegetarian menus and in restaurants. We have compiled for you the top restaurants of vegetarian cuisine in Minsk, where you can have a delicious dinner and beautifully celebrate the holiday.

Vegetarian and vegan cuisines

It is easy to notice that an increasing number of people on the planet are becoming vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists (recent trends also tell us about Fruitarianism, Liquidarianism and even Prano-eating). Despite the fact that some supporters of orthodox medicine still claim that a person cannot live without animal proteins, recent research in progressive scientific circles declares: the use of meat in developed countries leads to serious diseases: cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases.

Let's figure out what vegetarianism is, and how is it different from veganism?

Vegetarian cuisine has several varieties and is generally characterized by the absence of slaughter food (meat, fish, poultry, seafood of animal origin and all products made from them). Depending on the type of vegetarianism, some of the following foods may or may not be present in vegetarian cuisine: dairy products, eggs, honey.

Vegan cuisine excludes all animal products.

Vegetarian restaurants in Minsk

The top vegetarian restaurants you 100% need to visit you can find below.

Monkey food

On the street Oktyabrskaya, 16 Monkey Food vegan cafe is open.

The cafe does not cook for vegetarians, but for all people in general. After all, if the food is delicious, then what's the difference - it's vegetarian, vegan or traditional. Plus, the diners who come to the café eat differently, so it doesn't matter if you are vegetarian or not.

There are no soy products here - only plant-based soy milk, made in Italy from local products. Monkey Food is made from chickpeas, wheat, and there are a lot of vegetables and herbs. Both chickpeas and milk are non-GMO, they have certificates.

Om Namo

Great place for vegetarians and not only with a modest bistro status.

Located Om Namo on st. Horuzhei, 13. Vegetarians here can always find dinner to their liking, lovers of traditional cuisine will also not remain indifferent, since the style, quality of service and cuisine here leaves no chance for this.

Connoisseurs will note for themselves the variety of the restaurant's menu, which is perfectly complemented by the place itself. Om Namo has trained staff who will advise you on which dish to choose, so be sure to choose this cafe.


Vegetarian cafe in the center of Minsk at 2 Oktyabrskaya square (Kupalovsky shopping center).

Homemade vegetarian cuisine:

- full meals;

- protein cutlets from lentils and chickpeas, as well as carrot cutlets

- original dumplings;

- vegetarian rolls;

- burgers with vegan homemade bun;

- sweets and desserts;

- other delicious vegetarian dishes.

100% vegetarian, vegan menu. The guys admit that they cook with love without meat, fish, eggs, onions and garlic.


Now cafes "Soupculture" are open in Ukraine, Poland and Slovakia. Belarus became the fourth country where this franchise came. A friendly cafe was opened at 5 Kozlova in a small room with an area of ​​only 15 square meters, where a counter with tureens and a device for warming cups was located.

Although almost all soups are vegetarian, the café's audience is not limited to plant-based food lovers. These dishes can be bought by both schoolchildren and students, and businessmen. The menu constantly contains three standard soups: mushroom, cheese and lentil, as well as “soup of the day”, which changes every day.


Vegetarian cafe and shop are located on the second floor of the Arena City mall. An islet with seating in the style of "sea, sun, palm trees" is located near the Silver Screen cinema. In the cafe, you can not only eat full vegan food, but also buy sweets and food to go.

The cafe menu is presented with a variety of dishes: tender hummus with baked beets and arugula; raw hemp porridge with green buckwheat sprouts; bruschetta with tofu pate, wakame and chia caviar; raw French cream soup made from sprouted buckwheat and sunflower seeds with vegetables and cashew cheese; aromatic carrot cream soup with smoked tempeh, etc.


Understanding of the products from which the dishes are prepared is the main principle of the Simple restaurant. Its team is inspired by the minimalism and aesthetics of modern Scandinavian cuisine, the warmth of native latitudes. Only the best local Belarusian products are used in cooking. The aim of the restaurant is to give an opportunity to try something new.

The restaurant is located in the center of Minsk, next to the Red Church. Simple is located on the 3rd floor and has 2 private summer terraces where you can enjoy an excellent view.

The place is suitable for a quiet, unhurried dinner or lunch with foreign guests - show them this Minsk and they will be pleasantly surprised. After all, if you want to show something aesthetically attractive, then “Simple” is exactly what you were looking for.

Vegetarian shops

Now everyone can afford to eat properly and healthy, because in addition to restaurants in Minsk, shops with vegetarian food are increasingly opening. You can find non-GMO foods, preservatives, sugar, meat and more in the following stores.

A vegetarian food store you already know because it's located behind the Veggie Bar.

Vegetus provides products to prepare any meal. The website presents products that are literally divided by meals. Here you will also find products for preparing a healthy breakfast, immune-boosting products, herbal “meat” products, teas, non-alcoholic champagne and wine, as well as cosmetics and household goods.

Shanti Shop

Shanti Lavka is a vegetarian food store that has collected all categories of products.

The main advantages of the store:

• Own organic eco-farm "Shanti DOM". Quality department that has no analogues in Belarus;

• Shanti Lavka - the first online store of eco-products in Minsk, Belarus, completely and openly publishing all clarified information about the method of production and processing of products;

• Expert quality control. Employees check all eco-products, visit farms and factories so that you save time choosing and can purchase the healthiest and best available products.

Delivery is a huge plus of the store. Orders from 45 rub. Delivered free of charge.! Delivery terms can be specified at the nearest Shanti Lavka store.

The word "Vegan" in English means "strictly vegetarian". The name of the site does not mean at all that products are sold here only for Vegans, as these are products for all people who care about their health. However, there are principles that the guys adhere to and these are the principles of non-strict vegetarianism.

You won't see:

- fish, meat, eggs and other products of killing animals;

- alcohol and tobacco;

- products with synthetic sulfates, parabens, dyes;

- goods with enhancers of taste and smell;

- goods containing surfactants of synthetic origin, fragrances.

In Belarus, it is very difficult to find products that are truly ecological, safe for human health and do not harm nature. That is why an online store of natural goods was created.
