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Doctor Information


Alexander Vladimirovich

Specialty: Orthopedics

Start year: 2001

Category: First



Alexander Vladimirovich

Specialty: Orthopedics

Start year: 2001

Category: First

  • conducting children's and adult orthopedic reception;
  • conducting pediatric and adult traumatological admission;
  • conducting painkillers therapeutic paravertebral injection (blockade);
  • conducting pain medication injections (blockades) of large joints;
  • intra-articular administration of hyaluronic acid preparations under the supervision of ultrasound
  • Education: Minsk Order of the Red Banner of Labor State Medical Institute with a degree in General Medicine
  • 2002 - clinical residency in the specialty "Surgery" (UO "BSMU")
  • 2002 - Treatment of joint injuries and selected issues of orthopedics (GUO BelMAPO)
  • 2004 - Organization and assistance to victims of concomitant injury at the stages of medical evacuation (GUO BelMAPO)
  • 2004 - Treatment of intraarticular and periarticular fractures
  • 2006 - Burns. Electrical injury. Frostbite. (GUO BelMAPO)
  • 2007 - Organization and provision of medical care in case of combined road traffic injuries (GUO BelMAPO)
  • 2008 - Outpatient traumatology (GUO BelMAPO)
  • 2010 - Examination of alcoholic and non-alcoholic intoxication (GUO BelMAPO)
  • 2011 - Anti-doping control in sports (GUO BelMAPO)
  • 2016 - Outpatient traumatology (GUO BelMAPO)
  • 2018 - Internship: “Modern technologies for the treatment of osteoarthritis: intra-articular administration of synovial fluid prostheses under ultrasound guidance” (State Educational Institution “BelMAPO”)