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Doctor Information


Elena Viktorovna

Specialty: Gynecology

Start year: 2000

Category: First



Elena Viktorovna

Specialty: Gynecology

Start year: 2000

Category: First

  • Conducts a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases, menstrual irregularities, menopausal disorders, professional examinations, selection of contraception, introduction and removal of intrauterine devices
  • He knows the methods of diagnosis and treatment of background (precancerous) diseases of the female reproductive system and diseases of the cervix (erosion, cervicitis, dysplasia, etc.)
  • It removes benign formations (papillomas, candidiasis, etc.) of the external genital organs by the method of radio wave therapy.
  • Education: 2000. Vitebsk State Order of Friendship of Peoples Medical University, specializing in preventive medicine.