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Doctor Information


Irina Vladimirovna

Specialty: Gynecology

Start year: 1995

Category: First



Irina Vladimirovna

Specialty: Gynecology

Start year: 1995

Category: First

  • conducts ultrasound examinations of the fetus at any gestational age in 2D / 3D / 4D modes
  • owns methods of versatile research, using dopplerography to assess the condition of the fetus and blood flow of the pelvic organs
  • performs fetal echocardiography
  • conducts ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs, mammary glands
  • conducts outpatient visits to gynecological patients
  • carries out diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the cervix, including the radio wave method (apparatus "Surgitron")
  • advice on planning and managing pregnancy
  • advises and accompanies women in the postpartum period: gives recommendations on the restoration of the muscles of the pelvic floor, on breastfeeding, the prevention of mastitis, contraception
  • 1995 - Minsk State Medical Institute, specialization "General Medicine"
  • 2001 - professional development under the program "Family Planning and Treatment and Preventive Care in the antenatal clinic from the perspective of reproductive medicine", State Institution "BelMAPO"
  • 2001 - advanced training program "Ultrasound Diagnostics in Gynecology and Obstetrics", GUO "BelMAPO"
  • 2006 - professional development under the program "Regulation of labor: bleeding in gynecology, hemorrhagic shock, pathological and operative obstetrics", GUMO "BelMAPO"
  • 2007 - advanced training program "Psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth and perinatal psychotherapy", GUO "BelMAPO"
  • 2008 - professional development under the program "Thromboembolic complications in obstetrics: pulmonary embolism, amniotic fluid embolism", GUMO "BelMAPO"
  • 2010 - advanced training program "Psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth and perinatal psychotherapy", GUO "BelMAPO"
  • 2010 - internship in neurosonography, State Research and Production Center "Mother and Child", department
  • 2011 - advanced training program "Prenatal diagnosis: principles of organization, methods and effectiveness of prenatal diagnosis in the 2nd trimester. Ultrasound diagnosis of malformations ”, GUO BelMAPO
  • 2012 - retraining in the specialty "Ultrasound Diagnostics", GUO "BelMAPO"
  • 2013 - professional development under the program "Pregnancy and childbirth in women with obstetric and somatic complications", GUMO "BelMAPO"
  • 2014 - advanced training program "Expert prenatal echocardiography: ultrasound of congenital malformations of the fetus, ultrasound techniques for heart examination", BelMAPO
  • 2015 - advanced training program "Modern methods for the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases in the early periods of a woman's life. Pathology of the urinary system and pelvic floor dysfunction in women. Colposcopic screening ", GUO" BelMAPO "