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Medical Centers
Konstantin Nikolaevich
Doctor otolaryngologist of the first qualification category. Work experience since 2008.
Alexander Sergeevich
Otolaryngologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience since 1975.
Irina Leonidovna
Otolaryngologist of the first qualification category. Work experience since 2001.
Natalya Ivanovna
Otolaryngologist of the highest qualification category. Work experience since 1995
Medical center «Vnuki Hippocrata»
Address Minsk, City Val str., 8
  • +375 (17) 348-03-03
Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Otorhinolaryngology
Address Minsk, Suhaya str., 8
  • +375 17 200 86 84
Medical center «RSPC OMR named. N. N. Alexandrova»
Address Minsk district, ag Lesnoy
  • +375 17 265-23-01
Medical center "Nordin"
Address Minsk, Surganova str., 47B
  • 159
Medical center "Okomedson"
Address Minsk, Pritytskogo str., 91
  • +375 17 224-16-74
Minsk regional clinical hospital
Address Minsk district, agro-town Lesnoy, 1
  • +375 17 265-21-47
1st Central district clinical polyclinic of the Central district of Minsk
Address Minsk, Sukhaya str., 6
  • +375 17 200-36-75
Medical center «LUBIMY DOCTOR»
Address Minsk, Matusevich str, 70
  • + 375 (17) 325-55-33
Medical center «SANTE»
Address Minsk, Trostenetskaya str., 3
  • +375 17 342-82-82
Multidisciplinary medical center «Med-Praktika»
Address Minsk, Bogdanovich str., 27
  • +375 29 101 83 83
Medical center « Bioresonance»
Address Minsk, P. Glebki str., 11
  • +375 17 363-78-95
Medical center «ARS Valeo»
Address Minsk, Herzen str., 8
  • +375 17 328-38-83
Multidisciplinary medical center «Healthy sleep Center»
Address Minsk, Independence Ave., 72A
  • +375 29 311-88-44
Medical center «Sedmoe nebo»
Address Minsk, Filimonov str., 53
  • +375 17 269-00-20
Medical center "Horizont"
Address Minsk, Kiseleva str., 12
  • +375 17 288-11-41
Medical center "Grandmedica"
Address Minsk, M. Bogdanovich str., 78
  • +375 29 169-75-17
Medical center "Astarta Plus"
Address Minsk, Moskvina str., 4
  • +375 44 749-60-60
Network of centers of hearing prosthesis «Center horoshego sluha»
Address Minsk, Nemiga str., 42
  • +375 17 319-03-03
Medical center "Eleos"
Address Minsk, F. skariny str., 11
  • +375 17 269-25-33
Medical center "Terra Medica"
Address Minsk, Volgogradskaya str., 3-1H
  • +375 17 351-26-42
The advisory centre «Professorial treatment-and-consulting center»
Address Minsk, Makaenka str., 17
  • +375 17 265-06-25
Medical center "Ecomedservice"
Address Minsk, Tolstoy str., 4
  • 160

Otorhinolaryngology, ENT doctors

Otolaryngology (or otorhinolaryngology) is a medical section dedicated to the study of dysfunctions of the throat, ears, nasal passages, larynx and pharynx. An otolaryngologist is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of these organs. The doctor is popularly abbreviated as ENT or ENT doctor. Where can I find a qualified otolaryngologist in Minsk and how can I get an appointment with him?

Who is an ENT doctor and what does he do?

 An otolaryngologist is a medical doctor who deals with the prevention and treatment of diseases of the ear, throat, tonsils, larynx, frontal sinuses and nose.

ENT diseases, diseases

ENT specializes in the treatment of many pathologies:

  • rhinitis;
  • maxillary sinusitis;
  • frontal sinusitis;
  • sphenoiditis;
  • adenoids;
  • angina;
  • apneustic breath;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • otitis;
  • nasal polyps.

Note! An otolaryngologist deals with allergic state and seemingly unrelated ENT-related disorders, such as frequent vertigo.

 The doctor also removes sulfur plugs, extraneous bodies and also participates in the treatment of tumors in the throat, mouth, neck and nasal passages.

Symptoms of diseases of ENT organs:

The General clinical picture of ENT pathologies is manifested by the following signs:

  • discomfort in the nasopharynx, larynx;
  • high temperature;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • the appearance inflammation sites in the affected areas;
  • nasal discharge;
  • hearing loop;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • headaches.

If you suffer from several symptoms at once, this indicates the progression of the disease – you need to make an appointment with an ENT doctor.

Otolaryngology in Minsk

In Minsk, you can visit various centers of otolaryngology, ENT also sees patients in polyclinics and private clinics.

Medical centers, otolaryngologists

ENT clinics

ENT clinics in Minsk are represented by the following institutions:

  • Tsentr Khoroshego Slukha;
  • Scientific and practical center of otorhinolaryngology;
  • Horizont;
  • Tsentr Zdorovogo Sna;
  • Med-praktika.

Getting an appointment with ENT is easy – you just need to call and make an appointment.

Clinics at hospital

ENT doctors see patients in clinics at hospitals:

  • Minsk regional clinical hospital;
  • 4th city clinical hospital;
  • 9th city clinical hospital;
  • 11th city clinical hospital.

You can also visit the Republican scientific and practical center of otorhinolaryngology (Institute of otolaryngology), which employs highly qualified ENT specialists with considerable practical experience.

Paid ENT clinics

Check out paid ENT clinics:

  • Okomedson
  • Doktor TUT
  • Professor
  • Nordin
  • Alfamed
  • Lode
  • Medavenue
  • Ekomedservis
  • Luybimyy Doktor
  • Sante
  • Sed`moe Nebo
  • Vnuki Gippokrata

Doctors who work in the described clinics treat ENT diseases of any complexity.

Children's ENT clinic

Children’s functions of ENT organs are slightly different from adults, so their diseases of the ears and nose proceed differently. Children’s otolaryngologist is required to eliminate painful signs of babies.

In Minsk, you can visit the following children's ENT clinics:

  • Alfamed
  • Medavenue
  • Lode
  • Ekomedservis
  • Nordin

Children's doctors who see small patients in ENT clinics, try to take an examination with minimal discomfort for the child.

Private ENT clinic

ENT doctors who work in private clinics are highly qualified and have extensive therapeutic experience. You can safely come to see such specialists and bring your children to them. The doctor will quickly find out the cause of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

Good and best ENT doctors

To find a good ENT doctor is not easy. Here you will find information about the best ENT doctors who have exceptionally positive reviews of their work.

ENT-children's doctor

The best children's ENT doctors:

  • Vlasov Roman Alekseevich
  • Zavada Elena Nikolaevna
  • Tikhon Natalia Nikolaevna
  • Grichinskaya Inga Alexandrovna
  • Klepec Maria Viktorovna
  • Bazevich Tatsiana Ivanovna

The doctors described above have the highest or first category and considerable experience in treating children.

Adult ENT doctors

If you want to get to a competent ENT doctor for adults, make an appointment with:

  • Neborskaya Natalia Ivanovna
  • Zasenko Irina Leonidovna
  • Matveev Konstantin Nikolaevich
  • Kruchkov Alexander Sergeevich
  • Lishenko Alexander Heorgievich
  • Kotovich Anna Nikolaevna
  • Perminov Alexey Borisovich
  • Sermyazhko Galina Ivanovna
  • Alehno Olga Vasilievna
  • Golovacheva Olga Igorevna
  • Kostiuk Nina Yurievna

It can be difficult to get an appointment with these specialists, because it is months in advance.

How do I make an appointment with an ENT doctor?

Appointment with ENT

An appointment with ENT doctor can be made either by phone or via the Internet (online registration).

ENT doctor services in Minsk

Consultation of ENT

ENT doctor services begin with a consultation with the patient. The consultation of ENT is following:

  • examination of the patient, clarification of complaints and anamnesis;
  • studying of the nasal passages, throat, ears and larynx.

If necessary, the doctor uses an endoscope and microscope. To assess hearing function, the doctor does akumetry and timpanometry – definition of auditive acuity.

ENT appointment

At the ENT appointment a doctor can do the following manipulations with you:

  • flushing of the hearing organs or lacunae of the tonsils;
  • removal of sulfur plugs and a number of other otorhinolaryngological procedures.

The actions of ENT depend on the problem of the patient.

Diagnostics in otolaryngology

To make a correct diagnosis the doctor can perform some diagnostic tests:

  • take a nasopharyngeal culture for antimicrobial resistance;
  • take material from the nasal passages for the number of eosinophils;
  • take a swab to detect the state of the microflora.

All manipulations are painless and they are necessary for the diagnosis of certain diseases.

Otolaryngology for foreigners

Otolaryngology is a well-developed medical field in Moscow. Residents of Russia can visit the ENT both for a fee and for free. But if you are in other country at the time of the disease development (for example, in Belarus), and you are not a citizen of it, then you can undergo an ENT examination on a paid basis. It can be done in any private medical center or in the ENT clinic.