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1st Central district clinical polyclinic of the Central district of Minsk
1st Central district clinical polyclinic of the Central district of Minsk
Ultrasound diagnostics
Laboratory diagnostics
Radiation diagnosis
Minsk, Sukhaya str., 6
Mon: 08:00 - 19:00
Tue: 08:00 - 19:00
Wed: 08:00 - 19:00
Thu: 08:00 - 19:00
Fri: 08:00 - 19:00
+375 17 200-36-75

1st Central district clinical polyclinic of the Central district of Minsk

General information about the 1st central regional clinical polyclinic of the Central district of Minsk

The medical institution "1st Central District Clinical Clinic of the Central District of Minsk" begins its history in 1982.

In 2004, the polyclinic was given the status of "central district polyclinic", but added some functions of the district health department. Medical workers ensure the safe provision of services and a high level of work of the outpatient and polyclinic health care institutions of the district.

Today the polyclinic is one of the most visited medical institutions in Minsk and serves 750 patients daily.

Services of the 1st Central District Clinical Clinic of the Central District of Minsk

The clinic provides services such as:

• Consultations of doctors;

• Diagnostics (Laboratory, functional, ultrasound, X-ray, endoscopic, express diagnostics of helicobacteriosis by respiratory method);

•Obstetrics and gynecology;

• Surgery and Traumatology;

• Diagnostic ophthalmological examinations and manipulations;

• Services of an otorhinolaryngologist;

• Physiotherapy procedures, massage, exercise therapy;

• Reflexology;

• Manual diagnostics and therapy;

• Cosmetology;

• Dentistry;

• Preventive examinations;

• Vaccination procedure;

• Rental of patient care items.

Making an appointment at 1st central district clinical clinic of the Central district of Minsk

You can make an appointment with a doctor either by phone + 375-17-311-00-16, or online. On the official page of the clinic there is an authorization by personal data, after passing which you can make an appointment with any doctor.