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Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Cardiology"
Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Cardiology"
3 cardiology departments
Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics. Department of X-ray, endovascular surgery
Consultative and outpatient department
Adult admission department
Department of extracorporeal circulation
Physiotherapy room
3 cardiac surgery departments
2 departments of resuscitation and anesthesiology
Functional Diagnostics Department
Operation Unit
Transfusiological care room
A variety of scientific departments and laboratories
Organizational and methodological department
Clinical diagnostic laboratory
Minsk, Roses Luxembourg str., 110B.
Mon: 07:00 - 20:00
Tue: 07:00 - 20:00
Wed: 07:00 - 20:00
Thu: 07:00 - 20:00
Fri: 07:00 - 20:00
+375 17 222-22-32

Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Cardiology"

General information about Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Cardiology"

Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Cardiology is a leading medical institution in the field of providing cardiological care to patients who have applied. The center provides any assistance in the cardiological direction, both for residents of the country and for foreign citizens.

The employees of the center are actively developing in their professional activities, mastering the achievements of world experience, and also undergo foreign internships. The center is interested in international cooperation, therefore it maintains good relations with clinics and societies in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, China.

Medical assistance is provided by highly qualified specialists, candidates and doctors of medical sciences. A high level of service is provided due to the latest technical equipment, the use of the latest methods and scientific achievements.

The center provides its patients with inpatient wards. Each patient can count on competent treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system in superior rooms.

As soon as the patient has fully recovered, he is given detailed recommendations for further lifestyle in order to prevent a relapse of the disease.

Services in Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Cardiology"

Highly qualified medical care is provided by the following services:

• Consultations of specialists;

• Functional diagnostics;

• Ultrasound diagnostics;

• Endoscopic diagnostic studies;

• Operations on the heart and blood vessels for adults;

• Examination of the cardiovascular system in the hospital (for foreign citizens).

You can find the price list and a detailed description of services on the official website of the center.

Make an appointment to Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Cardiology

You can make an appointment in two convenient ways:

• By phone +375 (17) 213-50-53, +375 (17) 222-22-32;

• By signing up online.

To make an appointment online, you must select the department, specialization, date and time of admission, and then enter your personal data. Your entry will be saved and the specialist will be waiting for you at the appointment.